Allina Health | Aetna is an affiliate of Allina Health and Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). Aetna provides certain management services to Allina Health | Aetna.
Check out your plan materials
Once you're enrolled, we'll send you:
- A letter stating that you're a member in our plan
- Your Allina Health | Aetna member ID card (usually within 14 days)
- A letter that directs you to these essential plan documents
- A complete description of your coverage (Evidence of Coverage)
- A list of prescription drugs covered by your plan, if applicable (Formulary)
- A list of participating pharmacies, if applicable (Pharmacy Directory)
- A directory of participating doctors, hospitals and other providers (Provider Directory)
- Billing information (learn about online bill pay)
Get member help
Call an Allina Health | Aetna Medicare representative at ${membersPhone} ${tty}, ${membersHours}.
Attend a member seminar near you
Learn how to get the most out of your plan. Topics can vary based on the time of year, so be sure to check back regularly.